Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Crushing Principalities and the powers of worry threatening

How to deal with evil hearts of witchcraft

Why we should show pastors appreciation.

Merciless earthquakes deliverance prayer

Open doors of opportunities and breakthrough

How to kill the dragon of anger and bitterness patterns.

Crush the head of serpent of poverty..

How to destroy the powers that want you become a beggar.

What to do when feel down and frustrated by the wicked

How to fire back arrows of darkness fired into the brain.

Three keys to stop destroying ourselves.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Divine overflowing connection of firstfruit offering

Supernatural power of firstfruits offering.

How the enemies eats the labour of believers.

Stubborn village witchcraft enemies.

Breaking Chain of evil load and Captivity of darkness

Witchcraft monitoring advice

The power of prayer and fasting day 21

The secret of supernatural divine favor and honor

Cancelling evil record of curses and soul ties.

The power of spiritual cleansing and spiritual filthy

How to use divine acidic hail stones against wicked people.

How to stop thieves and robbers in house of God.

When you are by surrounded False Accusers and hatred.